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Local Water Processing Equipment Service Professional Attends Manufacturer’s Training Academy - Besco Water Treatment, Inc.

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Commercial Water Treatment

Local Water Processing Equipment Service Professional Attends Manufacturer’s Training Academy


NEWBURY, OHIO – Jason Faulkner, a member of the staff at Besco Water treatment in Battlecreek, MI, has successfully completed the professional service seminar at Kinetico’s Service Academy, the training arm of Kinetico Incorporated, Newbury, Ohio.

Faulkner, along with other service professionals working for dealerships across the country, participated in this intensive service training seminar conducted by Kinetico, a manufacturer of non-electric, metered, demand-operated, twin-tank water processing equipment.

The academies are designed to reinforce previous training about the unique operating features of Kinetico equipment, sharpen servicing skills, inform participants of upcoming product changes and give in-depth instruction on the servicing of new products. Faulkner received a Certificate of Excellence for successfully completing all phases of the training.

Besco Water Treatment is the authorized Kinetico Dealer in this area. It offers a full range of water processing equipment, including water softeners, drinking water systems, and problem water filters to consumers and businesses.

Contact: Kevin Shaffer, Technical Support Coordinator

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